Considering the Possibility for the Distinction between Public and Private as an Analytical Concept

End-term Report for GCOE: Reconstrution of Public/Private Sphere (Prof. Anuja Agrawal)

Considering the Possibility for the Distinction between Public and Private as an Analytical Concept

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Comment from:

Prof. Anuja

Very good essay! The student presented a very insightful understanding
of the public/private distinction drawing upon a wide range of
sociological and anthropological literature. The argument has been put
forward in a persuasive manner. The conclusion could have drawn more
from the threads in the initial discussion of public and private to
provide clearer connections in the overall argument.

Literature Cited in the Essay

Anderson, Benedict
1983 Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. Random House.

Beteille, Andre
2003 The Public as a Social Category. In, Gurpreet Mahajan and Helmut Reifeld eds., The Public and the Private: Issues in Democratic Citizenship: 37-55. New Delhi: Sage.

Carrithers, Michael
1992 Why Humans Have Cultures: Explaining Anthropology and Social Diversity. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2005 Anthropology as a Moral Science of Possibilities. Current Anthropology 46(3): 433-456.

Chowdhry, Prem
1997 Enforcing Cultural Codes: Gender and Violence in Northern India. Economic and Political Weekly: May 10, 1997: 1019-1027.

Matsuda, Motoji

Mody, Perveez
2002 Love and the Law: Love-Marriage in Delhi. Modern Asian Studies: 36(1): 223-256.

Oda, Makoto
2009「『二重社会』という視点とネオリベラリズム―生存のための日常的実践―」(The Perspective of Dual Societies Versus Neoliberalism.)文化人類学: 74(2): 272-292.

Spiro, Melford Elliot
1993 Is the Western Conception of the Self “Peculiar” within the Context of the World Cultures? Ethos 21(2): 107-153.

Strecker, Ivo
1988 The Social Practice of Symbolization: An Anthropological Analysis. London: Athlone Press.

Trevarthen, Colwyn and Katerina Logotheti
1989 Child in Society, and Society in Children: the Nature of Basic Trust. In, S. Howell and R. Willis eds., Societies at Peace: Anthropological Perspectives. London: Routledge.

Trevarthen, Colwlyn and Kenneth J. Aitken
1997 Self/other Organization in Human Psychological Development. Development and Psychology 9: 653-677.

Tylor, Edward Burnett
1871 Primitive Culture (2 vol.). John Murray.