Anniversaire qui n'est pas bon?

Today I had an interesting experience relating to language/culture gap. I was talking to a friend, we were talking in English. As he asked me if I have any plan on Sunday, I was sort of perplexed. Not because I did not have a specific plan…

樫原(かたぎはら)日記 第一段

家に来着きて窓を見やるに、西山の木々はや匂へり。一年の好景近づきつつあるもまづうれしくて、さて窓際の柿やいかにと思はるるに、やはりはや色づきぬ。やがて日も暮れなむとていそぎ柿に手を伸ばし、詠めるうた、 西の窓赤い手のばし柿つかむはやにほひぬ…

Considering the Possibility for the Distinction between Public and Private as an Analytical Concept

End-term Report for GCOE: Reconstrution of Public/Private Sphere (Prof. Anuja Agrawal)Considering the Possibility for the Distinction between Public and Private as an Analytical Concept TEXT ↓ ↓ ↓ Meet Google Drive – One place for all your…

"C"ulture→cultures[CN]→culture[UN]: A Short Note for my Future (possible) Dissertation

This is like a brief history and/or future estimation of the notion of “culture”. (for my own sake, basically) To me, history of the notion of culture seems like..."Culture" with a CAPITAL "C" ↓ ↓ ↓ ↓ "culture" as a COUNTABLE noun (as is d…

私事ですが、年末に卒業論文を提出しました。これも私事ですが、来春から大学院に進学するぼくにとって、卒業論文はひとつの大きな課題/通過点であり・・・ まあかなり本気でとりくみました!笑構想2年、実動のべ半年。もし興味をもって下さる方がいらっし…

How would it feel like

How would it feel like to keep hoping for a year for your popped-out eyes to work again.How would it feel like to realize after that one year and to admit the truth and to face. To face without seeing, how would it feel like? How would it …


keywords: community of improvisation, interpretative community, interpretative anthropology, mass media 夜中にNHKのオバマの演説を特集した番組を見ました。 オバマの演説を見るのはほとんど初めてでしたが、 なんかすっごい面白かったしフツウに…

しょっぺと読みます。It reads Shoppe.

窓を開けると少し寒い。窓閉めるとでも少し暑い。 目の前に、すいかがあったら食べています。よろこんで。今日からブログを始めます。 請うご期待